Welcome Video
The welcome video is your business hero video. It can be extravagant and flashy or it can be a simple project with a polished finish.
Here is a walkthrough of how to create a basic welcome video using your phone camera and Davinci Resolve editing software.
Covered in this video and PDF:
Free PDF
What to include in your script
Ideal video duration
Assemble in Davinci Resolve edit software
Add music
Add video
Add logo
Cleaning Video
This is a walkthrough of creating an education video for your small business.
This project is made using a phone camera a Dacinci Resolve editing software.
Covered in this video :
Speaking to camera
Assemble in Davinci Resolve edit software
Add music
Add video overlay
Add logo
Sizzle-Reel Video
This is a walkthrough of creating a product sizzle reel video for your small business.
This project is made using a phone camera and iMovie editing software.
Covered in this video :
Software layout
Detatching audio for voice tracks
Assembling project on the timeline
Rotating clips portrait to landscape
Add music
Add text
Add logo
Audio mixing
News Style Storyboard
Movie Style Storyboard